First, in order to get a feel for your favourite author's work, transcribe and copy in full.
What I looked up to in Shota was not his 'strength'. It was his heroic courage to put his life on the line to carry out his convictions.
He thought of them yearning for fame.
He'd love to live in the city.
Her dream is to become a simultaneous interpreter.
I sometimes wish I could live a quiet retired sort of life but I doubt I could stand it for more than a few days.
Rural life appeals to me very much.
One who longs for death is miserable, but more miserable is he who fears it.
Despite being fascinated with English, many Japanese don't even try to study it.
We look back on days gone by, if not always with affections, at any rate with a kind of wistfulness.
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The search results are provided by the wonderful Jisho API which itself uses various data sources which you can find on the jisho's website. The data concerning the kanji strokes are provided by the KanjiVG project, under the CC BY 3.0 FR license. I also use Tatoeba to provide example sentences and Kuroshiro to obtain the furiganas and romajis versions of the sentences.
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